The Syria conflict has produced the world’s largest humanitarian crisis since World War II. Though Syria accounts for less than one percent of the world’s population, its people make up nearly one third of refugees worldwide.
Syrian orphans are on the verge of losing their battle as they live without enough food, healthcare and schooling. Your $50 a month provides full support for an orphan.
An estimated 2.8 million Syrian children are currently out of schools.Your $300 can sponsor a student’s education for an entire year.
Sunrise-USA supports thousands of registered families through its food basket program. We also provide milk and baby formula to families with young children. Please sponsor a number of food packages today.
Syrians are in desperate need of food, shelter, and winter aid. With your Zakat contributions, Sunrise-USA works tirelessly to assist needy families displaced inside Syria.
Sunrise USA is building 84 concrete housing units in northern Syria to move refugees to. This will be one of several projects we are working on. You can sponsor a housing unit for $2500 only.
Ramadan is the month of charity and compassion. Ten consecutive Ramadan have gone since the beginning of the Syrian conflict and we are witnessing the 11th one. Give generously this Ramadan
Cost of Aid Provided
Families Supported
Food Packages Provided
Orphans Sponsored
Students Sponsored
Schools K to 9 Schools Established
Sunrise-USA is a non-profit 501(c)3 humanitarian organization. Your donations are tax-exempt.
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